Podunk Songwriters Contest – Overview
Songwriter fun box
Don’t keep your songs in that old trunk
You could be a winner at the big Podunk
Send in your own two-line lyric and we’ll swap them out once a month, along with your name if you choose.
Send to Myrna Riquier at bluegrassShowcase@gmail.com
The Podunk Bluegrass Festival’s annual songwriting contest gets underway November 1. Songwriters have until midnight April 30 to enter. The top three winners will receive cash prizes and other amenities and perks.
An intangible perk for the 1st place winner includes hearing the self-penned song performed by others. Each year, in addition to the songwriting contest, the festival also hosts a band competition (sponsored by Telelfunken Elektroakustik) and these two events are somewhat entwined. Here’s how.
The top four competing bands each perform the winning song from the previous year’s songwriting contest. This performance takes place on Thursday of the festival as a mandatory part of the band competition judging.
It’s a special thrill for songwriters to hear their winning song arranged and performed by multiple bands at the festival.
Entries must be received no later than midnight April 30. To enter, submit the forms linked below along with a $25.00 entry fee per song. If you are sending more than one entry, you may mail the materials together in a single package. You may place multiple entries on a single CD, and you may write a single check to cover multiple entry fees.
While email is the preferred method of entry, it is not mandatory.